Western Office: +1 604 787 4050 | Eastern Office: +1 514 234 0551
Western Office: +1 604 787 4050 | Eastern Office: +1 514 234 0551

What makes us different?

Many training companies offer solutions that no longer apply to todays business environment. The evolution of the customer expectation, driven by extreme changes we are experiencing in the automotive marketplace, is demanding that we do business in a different manner than previously thought. It is a buyer’s market and all products offer new levels of quality and safety. Our belief is the difference that will drive customers to your business lies in your ability to create an experience for your customers that compels them to keep coming back to you. This is driven by a focus on your most important asset, Your employees.

This is where our strength lies, as DTS Drive Training Solutions has worked extensively with manufacturers and dealers to create ongoing loyalty sustainment initiatives that cater to the evolving marketplace.

Our team of bilingual experts have the knowledge and skills necessary to execute immediately and drive results today.